Fast! That Ye May Be Fit Again

I once read that if a dragon lived near you, you should consider it when making plans. It would be foolishness not to. Covid-19 is our present day dragon and it has reshaped the way we think and live, even the way we look. A lot of people have been blown out of proportion and need to be fit again.

The Covid Mystery

In Nigeria, the first wave of the disease didn’t do much damage. As a matter of fact, the fatalities was just a tiny fraction compared to what some other nations suffered. Trust our leaders to complicate the simplest of matters, they capitalised on the global situation. Oh yes, and unleashed unimaginable hardship on the nation, particularly Lagos and Abuja.

Covid-19 became an elite money-making scheme. They inflated infected-case numbers daily for foreign grants, which they pocketed. Meanwhile, people were dying from everything else, except Covid-19. Then, they hoarded much needed relief materials for no practical reason while people were starving.

Eight months of inactivity turned a whole lot of people into beggars. We were begging from supposedly better-off friends, family and neighbors. Another unexpected development was that a lot of us got fat. We added weight in droves. Musicians, emcees, comedians, events planners and other events professionals.

Fasting for Fitness

This is a shout-out to fellow covid-19-induced weight-gain victims. There is hope in sight, there is daylight seeping through at the end of the 2020 eight-month long tunnel. This is January of 2021 and almost all the churches in Lagos are FASTING. Those who do not do it at the beginning of the year, do it sometime later. Do you get my drift? You can be fit again.

I know The Living Faith Church engages in a 21-day fast, and i heard the MFM does 70 days. The RCCG does its own and so do a lot of other churches.. People fast for spiritual reasons, usually. But, if you’re not concerned about its spiritual benefits, you can fast to shed weight. Personally, i find it easier than those back-breaking and limbs-aching work-out routines.

So, if you can’t fast for the kingdom’s sake, fast for your body’s sake.

About the author

I am a Live Band Professional and also an Events Music Planner. All I need is your brief and Band EnRoute will deliver music entertainment tailor-made for you.

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