Much Ado About Food!

Do you think i don't have food in my house? I don't want this one in a nylon bag! I want that one in a branded bag!

An icon died at 77 and was to be laid to rest. The lying-in-state took place at his home, after which the funeral service was held at his church. As the procession took off to go commit his remains to mother earth, refreshments were being shared to the congregants. That was when the afore-mentioned drama ensued.

The event organizers were instructed to give every parishioner in the deceased’s age range a special food pack in a branded bag. This courtesy was also to be extended to the ministers in the church, while every one else was to be given a a regular food pack in a nylon bag. Na wetin cause wahala be dat.

A certain young lady who fell into the latter category was being handed her designated pack. As she stretched a hand to receive it, she caught sight of another holding a more attractive food pack.

Right away her voice shot up several decibels and an altercation ensued. She didn’t want to understand why she wasn’t getting what some other people were getting.

All kinds of embarrassing things happen at events when it comes to food, and not all of them are amusing. You’ll find people who would leave an event table with a bag containing up to ten plates of food. They had been systematically emptied into the bag, which had been strategically placed under the table earlier.

One is forced to ask, do people have no shame? Do we have no dignity? The sad answer is ‘yes’, some folks have neither shame nor dignity. All that matters to them is getting that extra plate of party rice.

I guess that’s why society is so interesting. It’s made up of all sort s of people; nasty, decent, stupid, enlightened, considerate and whichever type of person YOU are.

Band EnRoute is a professional high-energy live band put together by Isaac otokpa. If you need top-notch and impeccably delivered music for your corporate and social events, band EnRoute is the band to book.

About the author

I am a Live Band Professional and also an Events Music Planner. All I need is your brief and Band EnRoute will deliver music entertainment tailor-made for you.

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