Pa Oduniyi’s Celebration of Life

Pa Oduniyi’s Celebration of Life took me to RCCG’s Redemption City for the second time. The first time was about 20 years ago when it was still known as the Redemption Camp. James Thomas Babatunde Oduniyi ESQ. passed-on at ninety-nine.

This remarkable man, now a celestial beacon, touched lives with his unwavering spirit. His legacy lies not just in the chapters of his life, but in the minds he nurtured and the wisdom he imparted.

A devoted family man, who would spew poetry at the drop of a hat, he was a lighthouse guiding his children through life’s storms. As he journeys beyond, his legacy of compassion and strength lingers, a testament to a life lived with grace and profound impact.

This event was close to my heart, not just a ‘business as usual’ thing. For that reason, Band EnRoute threw all we had into it. Adieu Sir! You are missed, still.

About the author

I am a Live Band Professional and also an Events Music Planner. All I need is your brief and Band EnRoute will deliver music entertainment tailor-made for you.